Friday, February 3, 2012

Week 4: Making Me Think Critically

               This week felt like in a jail, closed in my apartment, not able to go out because of the hard frost (difficult to breathe in icy cold air and fog, no classes even for university students, people were let out of work two hours earlier, cars not allowed to leave the city, shops are running out of some products, such as milk and meat, because there is no communication between the city and the country). And then this mysterious way my sonny fell ill never going out, I spent several sleepless nights by his bed, that is why many of my posts seem rather stupid.
               Week 4 Nicenet discussion was a kind of a vent, a link connecting me to the civilization. Unfortunately, the connection with the Nicenet was very slow, or did not work at all most of the week.  And I felt like many people were not taking part in discussions – mid-term blues, as Sherie says…
What I personally find useful about the week is the discussion thread. Sherie asked us to have the ABCD objective for each link we shared, which we did not have to do in the discussion of Week 3. This requirement made me think a lot, I would look at each new site not like, “Wow, it is great!”, but “What use will it be to me, other teachers of English, or students?” There were a lot of sites I bookmarked, but did not share in the discussion, because looking at them with a critical eye, I can see no practical value.
               Now I have a great many sites bookmarked on all the four skills, one should be happy about that, but the number does not make the quality, I will not be able to use all of them in my class this year, or the following year. And then I ask myself, why bookmark the things you are not planning to use this year? And then there is the answer – I am going to share with my university colleagues! I know someday I will rediscover something on my delicious page, that is why I write notes on the bookmarks, like from Salam, from Val, from Hassan, etc. – to say thank you the day I find the bookmark once again.
               One more challenging thing was the lesson plan, because I had to present it the way everyone could understand what it was about. In our university nobody checks whether I have  a plan for my class, or have not, thus I know some people, not me, go to their class without any plans at all (you might get shocked here). Writing a plan is necessary it somehow disciplines a teacher, and then it makes you think, What is your objective? Is it clear to you, your students? Is it logical? What will you do to achieve it? How will you check you achieved the goal? What is the next logical step? Only this way our teaching will bring some use.
                Happy to be a teacher,


  1. Hello Yuliya,

    What a wonderful picture you draw in your introduction about your country!!Please!! Don't use the word stupid!! What you did this week and every week was great till yesterday when you were a little disappointed about the participants communication! I think you bring power to this course by your valuable comments, attractive websites, and precious ideas!! Thank you very much for this post because you make me feel that I am traveling on a pleasant journey. I feel that I don't participate a lot during this week but I promise I will do my best! All the best!!!

    Thank you!


    1. Okay, Salam, I will not use this word, I promise! Thank you for your kind comment! :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Yulia,
    I am very sorry for your son's sickness and the weather constraints in your city! This will add to your power as a strong woman sure!
    I liked very much the photos you included!

  3. Thank you, Rachid!
    Actually, the things are getting better now (in particular and in general)!!!

  4. Hi Yulia,
    When you reflected on the whole week tasks, you wrote it in a genuine and organized way. I liked how you shared us the critical situation at your country and the problems you've encountered! Sorry about this awful feeling of being captivated and hope things get better very soon.
    I never realized that your posts were random or awkward. I often appreciate the fact that you are active and hard working.
    Wishing you the best of luck.
    Nihmat, Lebanon

  5. Hi Yulia,
    You posted me a comment on my blog, but it didn't show? I was notified about it by mail? Any comments?
    Best regards,

  6. Hello Yuliya,
    It seems that it was a tough week for some of us, and I hope that your son is better now, May God keep him safe to you. I agree with you and I wrote this on my blog too that the discussion was the cream of work this week with the useful comment of everyone and the nice links too. The sites you have bookmarked on Delicious and mentioned in your posts are very useful so thank you for them. Don't say your posts were not OK, actually they were of great use too. Your lesson plan was very useful to and very well organized. Last but not least, thank you for the drawing. I do agree with you "Happy to be a teacher too."

  7. Hello Yuliya,

    I always like to see your photos in your blog posts, they reflect your personality.
    About the lesson plan,I'm sure you put lots of efforts to "present it the way everyone could understand what it was about". I'm sorry if my lesson plan included some terms which you had to look more through the web. I'll try to be very specific next time:).
    Keep up your nice posts,
    Sylvia Lebanon

    1. Vice versa, Sylvia, will you, please, have your plans and posts the way they should be, do not adapt for anyone - I will learn more this way, as well as the rest of us. Thank you for making me 'grow' in terms of technology!

  8. Hi Yuliya ,

    All great points! But I really liked the way you managed your ABCD objectives. I read them carefully on Nicenet and found them very helpful and interesting. You have done a great job and you are making a great progress!

    Sidi, Morocco

  9. This is my general thank you to everyone who encouraged me in the comments - THANK YOU, guys!!!

  10. Dear Yuliya,

    Hope Ramil is doing much better now.

    I understand the frustration you expressed above. It is very hard when you set your own standard up high and feel you have to compromise for other priorities or because of some unplanned events.

    Nevertheless, it is this inner feeling that keeps on whispering in your own ears "I could do better" which keep you challenging yourself for a higher learning level, not to impress anyone, but yourself... Knowledge can never be attained without critical thinking and auto-critique (or reflection). You are not short of any!

    Keep up the good work, Yuliya. Girl, you just rock!


  11. Thank you, Hassan! And you remember my son's name - you are so attentive, it is the best thing to impress a mother - to know, or want to know about her child/children. Allaga shukur, Ramil is getting better. The thing I felt disappointed about last week was that I could not take the most from the conference, could not take part in it in full. But then the lines of Rudyard Kipling's poem "If" come to my mind, and I feel better, because I can.

    1. Now that I read your post I know were you get your inspiration and strength to get through this week with all its 'negative energy'.

      Hold on, Yuliya!


      P.S.: I would love to know more about Ramil and your lovely family.
