Friday, January 27, 2012


            Thanks to my great and generous colleagues in my web class, this week I’ve made about fifty bookmarks on my delicious page and as the week is not over, and people go on adding to the list, I think I will add many more!
             If someone had told me a week ago I would bookmark with the help of, I would not have believed him – A     week ago I knew nothing (!) of bookmarking. All I could do was search with Google and word process… Maybe you will laugh to know that when I wanted a document to be saved, I would save it to my hard disk, or I would create a word document and save  the link there… Now I am proud of myself - I learned how to use (how to join it, save on it, add tags, create stacks, follow and unfollow someone else, how to add (and where to take it from) the delicious toolbar) and which is more, I will be able to share the ‘skill’ with other people – my colleagues and students, eliminating the difficulties they might have (as for example, the e-mail address while joining delicious com. should also be .com and not .ru as some people here have). And now I know how I can use delicious from somebody else’s computer, or from my university computer – I believe this will make my teaching much easier. In his blog Salam listed some other bookmarking sites, and I found about some more, including those created in Russia, but among all them seems the most popular and convenient.
          The second thing everyone was busy with this week was searching for/remembering sites that could help teach aural/oral skills. I am much grateful to the people in my group – thank you, guys for sharing. Many of my colleagues here, in Kazakhstan, prefer not to share, I believe they think they would be better teachers knowing while no one else does. This is really sad…
And the last but not the least word is about projects of previous participants. To tell the truth, so far I was not able to read all the projects that were offered, I managed to cope with four from the list, but I saved all the rest. Reading projects was helpful on the one hand, and rather distracting on the other – now I have a clear idea of what the instructors await from us in future, and what stages I will go while writing and fulfilling the project, as well as the difficulties I might encounter. The other thing is I am now in doubts which of my classes to begin with, which will benefit more from such changes and which needs such changes more than the rest.  I think I will have to sleep on that… And than one of the projects I read was about students working for their Master’s degree, and then it came to my mind that I have two students who will have to write their ‘diploma projects’, and they work almost on their own and badly need technology being introduced in the process.
          So the main thing the week gave me is much brain food and satisfaction and pleasure and this feeling of gratitude again.


  1. Hi Yuliya,
    Really it was a delicious week. But, I must say one thing, that is cooperation from you and my colleagues. Sometimes it seems that someone, specially you, is standing beside of me and just instructing "this the way, may be or may not be, no no".
    Really, nice of you. I must appreciate. It may be, I'll not be able to learn so many things but the cooperation I'm getting that is some thing. I must salute you. Thanks

    Arifeen/ Bangladesh

    1. Hi Yuliya

      I am pleased to know that you are satisfied with outcomes of this week. I do agree with you on what you have said about I also liked this site and recommended my friends to use it. They all loved it and agreed on one thing: it is incredibly useful and interesting site. Good luck with next week.

      Sidi, Morocco

    2. Dear Arifeen,
      I am glad I could help you!!!
      I am sure that you have brilliant ideas of your own, just do not be afraid to share!!!
      It is so nice to co-operate!!!

  2. Dear Yulia,

    Great Work! You must have been really tired. I know your discussions helped all of us. You can also try 'digg' -just like 'delicious'!

    Best of Luck!

  3. Hello Yuliya,

    Thank you very much for this work! I agree with you that we got a lot and we need only to manage time and ourselves to use what we learn. It is a treasure so we have to keep it and spread it to all. Wish you all the best!

    Thank you


  4. Dear Yulia,

    Thank you very much for your nice work! I agree with you that we learn a lot in week 3 and we got a treasure. We need only to manage our time and ideas so that we can help our students. Wish you all the best!


    1. Thank you, Salam!
      I bet there is still greater treasure awaiting us next week. Logically correct will be to discuss teaching reading or writng ;)

  5. Hi Yuliya,
    It is my pleasure to read your reflection every time. I your ideas are amazing. It is really 'DELICIOUS' Week. Nice to find a website like that. Thank you for being so generous adding a lot of links to everybody to benefit from. I have added some and I will add more copying your example. It is always a pleasure to have nice mates like you.
    Hesham, Egypt

  6. Hello Yulia,

    I always like reading your posts and the way you present your ideas. I hope I will save as many bookmarks including the blogs addresses of the participants and the delicious pages which surely let me access more than 100 websites.
    N.B. I always like your photos which you post... They express your personality.
    Sylvia, Lebanon

    1. Yeah, Sylvia, and I spent much time trying to find the cartoon that would show exactly what I feel at the moment.

      I believe you will have more than a hundred sites bookmarked! At the same time, I keep in mind that many is not exactly good!

  7. Dear Yuliya,

    Inspired by your post above, I would like to share with you a piece of reflexion about Knowledge Sharing:

    Knowledge Sharing is not like sharing a cake - you do not come away with half a cake each. Knowledge Sharing is synergistic. In other words - you each enter into a conversation with a whole cake and each come away with an even bigger cake. Knowledge Sharing is also about more than just sharing. It is about "working together", "helping each other" and "collaboration". Peter Senge sums it up quite nicely as follows:

    "Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes. " - Peter Senge

    I believe this is a fair appreciation for attitude and your input across this course so far. You sure are contributing in making it a bright and warmer environment as I call upon Margaret Fuller's saying: "If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it."

    Our course virtual space feels like Notre Dame cathedral on Easter Day!

    Thank you and have a great start with week 4,

    Hassan, Lebanon

    1. Dear Hassan,
      Great words, as usual!!!!
      If you are not against, I will use your wisdom during the teacher seminars in our university.
      Thanks a lot for posting in my blog,

    2. By all means, Be my guest... or should I be your guest (in your seminar)?! :-)


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