Thursday, January 12, 2012

My First Post at Last!!

            At last I am here and can post something!!!
            Here and now I am going to express my feelings on creating my first real blog (I had to delete my really first, and then the second blog).
            The project started only several days ago, but since then I have experienced so many technical problems I felt I was on the point of giving up, I am just not the person to give up or give in at all... And I am proud to say that I managed to cope having no special technical education, prior experience, and, by the way, I am not an advanced web user.
             To begin with, I knew people were already on the Wiki, as for me, I could not reach it, though everything seemed okay with my google account. I slept on my problem, and tried to reach our Wiki for many hours, as a result, I started suspecting the problem was with my domain, so I created my new mail and my new google account, asking Jodi to add that one to the list. Now there is the difference in time with Oregon, when it is daytime in Pavlodar, it is night in Eugene, so time dragged slowly and I waited relentlessly for mail from our dear Jodi. The next minute I got the mail, I was on the Wiki, crying, 'Hurrah'!
             And then the next thing - I could read everyone else's blogs with the Reader, but I could not comment, and I could  get to anyone's blog... After many hours of browsing the net, I found out that the provider of Internet in Kazakhstan does not support Then I thought, 'Alas, it's over.." Fortunately, I read a piece of advice from one Kazakhstany advanced Internet user, and I added your blog addresses to the Program Files on my computer, and happy I was once again, when  I could reach all the blogs on the list!
            To sum up my first-days-on-the-project experience: 1) never in my life before have I worked so hard and desperate; 2) I had to read through tons of documents and look through many sites both in English and in Russian to fulfill the tasks; 3) now I am going to read your blogs, enjoy your virtual company, and at last get to know you ))))!!!!
            Hi, everyone!!!! Nice to meet you!!!
            And I would like to thank Jodi for being most helpful and patient with me constantly writing to her mail!!!


  1. I guess Ralph Waldo Emerson was right on the nail when he said: “Enthusiasm is the engine of success.”

    Your efforts (and frustration in the process) bore some succulent fruits. Congratulations Yuliya!

    It is unfortunate that some authorities block or any other useful tools on the internet. Sometimes I can’t understand nor accept their reasoning.

    The good thing about it all, is that there is always “more than one way to skin the cat!” (sorry for the brutal expression)

    I wish the best in this course.


  2. Hi, Yuliya! I can understand you so well. Reading your post I smiled, as I passed through almost the same. But agree, the result is worth it!

  3. Oh what a frustrating time you had, Yuliya! I'm so glad you didn't give up. Now, you have a beautiful blog and lots of comments! Good work!!

  4. I'm so glad you kept trying, Yuliya! My first response seemed to get lost in cyberspace. Perhaps you'll get two from me here!


  5. Hassan, Ludmila, and Jodi,
    Thank you for you comments!!!

  6. Hi Yulia,
    It has been the experience that between frustration and success, there is a thin invisible line. Those who carry on with perseverance in spite of defeat and frustration emerge as winners. It has once again come true in your case.

    Lot of struggle and hard work as you said. But this challenging and inspiring!

    Good Luck Yulia,

  7. Wow Yuliya! You demonstrated for us your 2nd quote, that education is exercise. I understand the frustrations of the internet in your country. Good for you in accomplishing a work-around, something that's not in our directions. Now you can teach others to do the same.


  8. Hello Yulia,

    Wonderful work you are doing! I am with you, new experience make people sometimes frustrated but it is encouraging to proceed your great work. You faced difficulties so you will have the power to help others do a better job.

    Thank you


  9. Hi Yuliya,
    It is nice to meet nice people from all over the world and make new friends to work all together for the good of all students no matter who they are or where they are from. Your reflection about the first week is so similar to what happened to me, bud I don’t give up easily . I love the way you talked about your experience and I like the Good Quotes on Education too. Thank you for the quotes and for the nice website too. I hope we will all benefit from that amazing course.
